I don't know what is happening to me. I have started de-cluttering everything, including myself. First I started letting go of my weight, then I got a new vacuum (which really started everything) and now, I am going through cupboards and drawers, throwing things away, giving things away and preparing for a garage sale. I AM going to get my life, home, and self, organized and dragging my DH along with me. (I did tell him that I won't ask him to do anything until I prove I can do it myself.)
I purchased the book (the hard copy was cheaper than the Kindle version and I was already ordering some stuff so shipping was free) "Body Clutter" by Marla Cilley and Leanne Ely. It was an excellent book and extremely thought provoking.
The book helped to identify and further examine the food issues I have. There were sections of the book where it seemed like they knew me personally. Some of the examples of excuses were ones I have used verbatim. I like the fact that they break down processes and you can add those processes into your life in "BabySteps".
Marla Cilley is also known as The FLYLady (Finally Loving Yourself). I loved the fact that when they started writing the book they realized that they were not "walking the walk" and ended up looking inside themselves for changes they needed to make.
After reading the book, I found myself looking at the website, http://www.FlyLady.net. I love the acronym of C.H.A.O.S. (Can't have anyone over syndrome) and realized I had not only grown up with that but was perpetuating it in my adult life. I have incorporated many of the suggestions in her Control Journal for organizing my home. At some point, I will probably invest in getting the book "Sink Reflections" (again, cheaper in hard copy than in the Kindle version).
All in all, I highly recommend "Body Clutter".
Have a great day from The Tortoise's Weigh!
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